Offer Start Date: August 2011
Offer End Date: Not specified

Experience Europian finesse and efficiency from Cata, Europ's most innovative brand!

Combo Offer #1: Venere 90(BL) Chimney + Crystal Hob for only 34,990

Combo Offer #2: RS 60 Inox Chimney + Topaz Eco Hob for only 19,990

Introducing Cantee Dishwasher!

* 14 plate setting system to suit Indian home needs
* Specially designed to fit utensils of all sizes
* Doors open up fully, so its easier to access utensils
* In built water distribution system
* In built softener
* No leakage
* A separate utility tray for forks and spoons to be placed with ease
* Your utensils remain as good as new
* Reduced drying time in dishwashers

Toll free phone no: 1800 102 9600